A milestone for November First
The collaboration with Visma e-conomic marks a significant milestone for November First. Since we were established, we have strived to be able to provide payment solutions to small and medium-sized companies in Denmark, which simplify everyday life and improve the bottom line.
Our path to this has required that we break an oligopoly-like pricing on international payments and transfers, the de facto monopoly on payments taking place in a bank and creating a logical support for procura. Finally, we have automated the postings and streamlined the many different bookkeeping and payment routines that are not as uniform as one might wish.
Along the way, we have also had to develop our own organization so that it effectively complies with the requirements set by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority for payment institutions. Requirements that largely correspond to those imposed on banks and other financial institutions. We are meeting our goal, as the compliance function must be efficient and a competitive advantage for us, our partners and for users of our payment platform.